Paul Lewis joins ART Management Committee

Paul Lewis, senior lecturer in soil and environmental science at Harper Adams University and long standing lecturer on the Hereford Ringing Course has recently been co-opted on to the ART Management Committee. Paul attended the very first ITTS pilot Day Course as an observer, in South Wales in November 2009. He quickly asked for a Module 1 to be run in Hereford quickly followed by a Module 2. Paul is now an ITTS Tutor and has run eight Day Courses to date.

Paul is going to take on the new role of Local Organiser coordinator, developing communications and encouraging teaching initiatives locally. This is an extremely important role enabling us to develop the teaching of ringing by ITTS-trained teachers through the use of ART resources and support to expand teaching in their local areas.

The key action areas for Paul are:

  • Establish communication links with and between Local Organisers to build a mutual support system
  • Encourage the set-up of local teaching initiatives using ITTS teachers and ART resources including the new Teaching Toolboxes (now available on Moodle)
  • Encourage use of Learning the Ropes
  • Feedback any issues Local Organisers or their local Teachers are having – direct to the Management Committee
  • Encourage group working and the formation of Clusters/ART Teaching Centres
  • Encourage the skills development of Mentors through initiatives such as the new Mentor workshops

We welcome Paul to the Management Committee.