Join the ART 50:50 Club

Why not join the ART LtR 50/50 Club or buy membership for a bell ringing relative or friend! The Club supports the charitable Association of Ringing Teachers in delivering training for teachers and ringers.

How it works

Many people already know of and may belong to one or more of these kind of clubs, also called 100 or 200 clubs, but for those who don’t it is very simple. You join, pay the subscription of £12 per year (can also be £3 per quarter or £1 monthly) and are given a member number. Then, over the year, half the money received goes to the organisation … and half is shared out in prizes by a draw of member numbers.


There will be an annual first prize of 25% of the entire year’s prizes, to be drawn in December, just in time for Christmas or the sales! There will also be quarterly prizes of 10% and two of 5% for each of the remaining three quarters of the year. In the December draw, there will be additional prizes to ensure the balance at the end of the financial year is split exactly 50:50 to the scheme's members and to ART.


Everyone with a SmART Ringer username login can join the 50/50 CLUB – that’s all Learning the Ropes ringers and everyone who has attended an ART Training Scheme Day Course. So please do join, and encourage others involved at any level with ART and Learning the Ropes to join as well!

» Join the 50:50 Club

Gill Hughes, ART 50:50 Club Administrator