Ringing Room tower outing

The Thursday night Patmore Towers Ringing Room group decided in lieu of an actual tower outing, which would have happened today (Bank Holiday Monday 31st August 2020), we’d hold a virtual one instead.

Three towers were on the itinerary, allotted time at each was half an hour with a ten minute break between each to allow for virtually travelling to the next tower and replenishment of refreshments.

Nine ringers came along with the first tower of the evening at Patmore Towers, a middle weight ring of eight. The ringing was run by the Assistant Tower Captain, Colin, who called for a course of Little Bob Major, Stedman Triples and Kent Treble Bob Major. Some hesitations which may or may not have been attributed to technical lags proved entertaining, especially when Hazel somehow managed to scroll down her screen so she could only see the bottom bells!

En route to the next tower the Steeds found an ice cream shop and were too busy eating Magnums to join in the first touch, whilst Martin had difficulties finding the entrance to the tower.

The second tower was a flighty little six at Bennett’s Bunker, with Jenny in charge. Wanting to continue practising her Cambridge Surprise Minor, Jenny acquitted herself well, but some of the rest of us thought we were ringing Ipswich! So that’s what she called for next, although that staggered through and didn’t quite manage to get through the course. A course of Stedman Doubles then a nice touch of Grandsire Doubles to finish.

By now the volume of liquid consumed by some members of the band required a convenience stop on the way to the next tower, whilst Andy snuck in an unauthorised pudding.

Our third tower was Steed le Steeple, a rough going eight. The Plain Bob Major didn’t want to go, some technical difficulties were blamed, I'm not so sure! Next a bob course of Grandsire Triples, and a plain course of Stedman Triples that almost came to a grinding halt in the very last change. Some more Little Bob Major and then some more Plain Bob Major to finish.

A quick stop off at the nearby Bring Your Own Beer pub for apres ringing chat was very welcome at the end of the day. I’d like to thank the towers (and Ringing Room) for letting us ring and the ringing masters for organising the ringing.


Vicki Chapman, Essex