This time, it’s all about handbells! So many people of widely varying experiences have been drawn to handbells, despite pre-pandemic claims they would never be interested, or beliefs that mastering the art was simply a mystery beyond them. New ringers too find that learning to ring handbells allows them to concentrate more on rhythm and place, instead of worrying about controlling their bell. It’s also a great way of meeting up with your ringing friends on a regular basis, and with Ringing Room, they don’t even have to live nearby. As the restrictions wear on, it’s clear that they are a brilliant way of keeping us ringing – either for real where restrictions allow or in Ringing Room. And in fact, there’s a whole section on handbells in the new 50 Virtual Ringing Things just launched (see the articles on page 12).
Inside this edition, you will discover the many facets of handbell ringing with lots of tips on ways to get started, the versatility of handbell ringing – tunes as well as methods – and tips on how to care for handbells. As we enter the new year, we all have to think about keeping ringing going in the short term, and how we will all help ringing to recover in the longer term. We all have a part to play in this, so keep ringing, keep supporting and think ahead! There are some useful ideas on pages 6 and 7.
Happy Christmas to ringers everywhere!
Alongside its regular features, this edition of Tower Talk includes:
If you have enjoyed Tower Talk why not forward this edition to your ringing friends so that they feel part of this amazing community which stretches right around the world.
Ruth Suggett
Editor, Tower Talk
Ruth Suggett, Editor