I don’t think it’s just me who has got the impression that life has recently revved up a bit and become extremely busy. Perhaps we had got used to not doing so much, or we feel there is a lot of lost time to be made up. Whatever the reason, there is certainly a lot going on in the world of ringing. Not only does the summer bring striking competitions, outings andweddings, but there are lots of other things to pick up again, like the ART 50 Ringing Things Challenge.
In the following pages we get a flavour of how the challenge has inspired ringers around the country. Meanwhile regular ringing courses have started up again with no reduction in demand, and a second Learning the Ropes Festival is planned for a summer Saturday in Norwich. So in this edition we take a closer look at the benefits of ringing courses and get some first-handexperience from a few of the participants. Success and achievements are also high up on the agenda with ringers of all levels continuing to progress. The Platinum Jubilee celebrations gave us all plenty of opportunities to ring and enjoy the friendship and sense of belonging that ringing gives us and this may have been the first of many public events new ringers have taken part in. Certainly it was a historic occasion to which we can all feel proud to have contributed.
Alongside its regular features, the July 2022 edition of Tower Talk includes:
If you have enjoyed Tower Talk why not forward this edition to your ringing friends so that they feel part of this amazing community which stretches right around the world.
Ruth Suggett
Editor, Tower Talk
Ruth Suggett, Editor