At the end of the ART Conference people were asked to note down
what had worked for them. A summary of the comments is below – those in
bold type are those which were repeated most often.
Recruitment Successes
Charismatic ringers ‘talking the talk’
Schools involvement 9 to 11 year olds – open days and clubs
Social media & web sites
Personal contact – harness community spirit
Good PR in local media & newspapers
Taster sessions (mini rings or in tower)
Posters & leaflets
Bring a friend days (kids recruit kids)
Get people to come and try as part of donation to a charity event e.g. Children in Need
D of E challenges
Retention Critical Issues & Successes
Structured learning – ‘Learning the Ropes’
Courses and target practices at all levels
Joint young ringers sessions – with other groups
Social activities & events (pub)
Friendly welcome and group – team spirit
Ensure challenged but not overstretched
Make it all FUN
Goals to achieve – however small
Something new learned or different every week
Plan their learning and support needs as required
Intensive initial training (a few weeks or less) and coaching to ensure competent handling
Visits to other towers
Use social media email to follow up and get them to feel involved
Modern, tidy & welcoming environment
Involvement with group in other (social) ways
Open honest feedback
Good standards seen and encouraged
Recognition of progress by certificates and made public
Remember people learn in different ways and progress at different speeds
Striking competitions – interaction with other bands