Teaching foundation skills

What are foundation skills?

The development of the strong foundation skills of ringing, namely rhythm, listening, bell control and ropesight, ensures that a ringer is fully equipped to be able to fulfil their potential. They are the bedrock of future success.

Comparison of ringers who have spent time fully mastering these core skills [with those who have been quickly moved onto method ringing, shows they make quicker and more effective progress into change ringing later on. Don’t rush.

Without adequate foundation skills a ringer is more likely to become stuck at a level below their potential. In contrast a ringer who has mastered the basic skills will produce good ringing, increasing both their satisfaction and enjoyment.

» The importance of strong foundation skills

Module 2F – from rounds to plain hunt

This Module shows new and experienced teachers how to support their students and develop the necessary foundation skills for good ringing and then move forward to ringing changes. You will learn through a mixture of practical and theory sessions about:

  • Developing foundation skills - fine bell control, listening, rhythm and ropesight
  • Lots of fun exercises to develop these skills
  • Coaching skills and building a successful band
  • Introducing Plain Hunt and Covering

In some ways this stage is the hardest part of learning to ring; the excitement and rapid progress associated with (semi)-mastering bell control has passed and time on the rope can be limited if the only practice is once a week with a mixed ability band. This is where this course helps. It introduces lots of fun exercises to help your ringer develop the foundation skills for method ringing; fine bell control, listening and ropesight. There is plenty for your new ringer to practise and measure their progress against whilst stimulating (and sometimes testing) the rest of the band. For bands who don’t aspire to method ringing it gives lots of ideas for Service or wedding ringing which sound good whilst keeping the band interested.

We don't know how and when the pandemic is going to end, so if you'd like to attend or organise a Module 1 course in your local area please contact Rose, the ART Administrator and we will be in contact when we know more.

Currently, we are thinking that our first courses after the end of the pandemic will be small and local (not nationally advertised) and some of our requirements about minimum course size will be dispensed with.

» Contact Rose


Module 2F