Problem Solving Procedure

What to do when things go wrong

ART is committed to resolving any issue promptly and fairly. If something goes wrong, ART will seek to work together, with those involved, to try and resolve any issues.

Anyone with a concern about an ART Member or anyone who feels they are being treated unfairly, harassed or bullied by an ART Member, should contact the ART Administrator immediately. The ART Chairman will be informed who will invoke the Problem Solving Procedure.

Problem Solving Procedure

The purpose of the Problem Solving Procedure is to deal with any problems, complaints or issues in a fair, consistent and equitable manner.

When formally notified that a complaint has been made, the Chairman, or someone appointed by the Chairman, will carry out a thorough investigation to determine the facts of the situation. The investigation should be carried out promptly, and within 30 days of the notification.

Following the investigation, the Chairman will listen to the testimonies of both sides, with a view to resolving the issue. If it is resolved, a record will be kept on file for 12 months. If it is not resolved, a panel will be assembled to review and consider the allegation.

If either party is not satisfied, a Problem Solving Panel will be convened as soon as possible but within 60 days.

Problem Solving Panel

To ensure a consistent but flexible approach to dealing with issues, a panel of at least three panellists will consider the issue and decide what is the best course of action. The Panel, nominated by the ART Management Committee, should include a Tutor and a member of the ART Management Committee.

The member will have the right to have a fellow ART member with them at the meeting. They will also have the right to call witnesses, if necessary, to the meeting.

The Panel meeting will be held in a neutral environment and will listen to the testimonies of both sides, with a view to resolve the issue. A record of the meeting will be kept for 12 months.

If the issue cannot be resolved, or the incident is of so grave a nature, the Panel may withdraw the person’s membership. ART will repay the year’s subscription and all membership benefits will be removed

Panel decisions will be recorded to develop a system of precedent to allow for an element of consistency.

If the member is not satisfied with the outcome, they have the right of appeal to the ART Management Committee. This must be done within 10 days of the decision of the Problem Solving Panel and a request in writing made to stating the ground for the appeal.

Appeal to the Management Committee

The Appeal should be heard by the Management Committee within 10 days of receiving a request from either party.

The member will have the right to have a fellow ART member with them at the meeting. They will also have the right to call witnesses, if necessary, to the meeting.

The Appeal to the Management Committee meeting will be held in a neutral environment and will listen to the testimonies of both sides, to review the earlier decision.

The decision of the meeting shall be final. The decision will be recorded to develop a system of precedent to allow for an element of consistency.

Procedure History

Last Modified: May 2023

Last Reviewed: May 2023


If you have any questions about this Procedure you are invited to contact the Association at: