These regulations set out the key requirements for accreditation under the ART Training Scheme (ATS) and for admittance to membership of the Association of Ringing Teachers (ART). They are intended to provide information on the module content and assessment requirements for those interested in becoming accredited teachers or mentors and to set out clearly the assessment requirements for those already following an ATS programme. They do not constitute an entire curriculum for the modules of the ATS.
Further guidance and detail is available on SmART Ringer, in the Teacher Training Logbook and in the "Guidance Notes for ART Assessors" also on SmART Ringer.
These regulations set out the minimum requirements for assessment and accreditation. They are not intended to prescribe the teaching methods to be adopted by teachers or their mentors. Participants in ATS programmes are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of skill development and the learning styles of the ringers they teach. However, teachers and mentors are also encouraged to adopt a flexible approach which meets the needs of individual learners and will be expected to demonstrate such flexibility.
ART expects that candidates will use its structure learning scheme for training new ringers, “Learning the Ropes” (LtR).
At the completion of a Module, the Teacher becomes an accredited teacher recognised by ART and is eligible for membership of the Association. A certificate will be awarded to record their achievement.
ART Membership
Membership is open to any teacher or mentor who is accredited under an ATS programme. Full membership is offered to those completing two modules and Associate membership to those completing one. Membership is additional to accreditation and requires payment of an annual subscription fee.
ART Assessor
An ART Member who is invited to carry out the final assessment of a teacher at the request of that teacher’s own mentor. Tutors are also able to act as ART Assessors.
Association of Ringing Teachers (ART)
ART is the management and accreditation body for the ATS. It is made up of Members who have completed ATS Modules and ATS Tutors.
Learning the Ropes (LtR)
A structure learning programme for ringers that works alongside the ATS.
A mentor is an existing experienced teacher who has been identified by the Course
Organiser in consultation with the course tutor as having mentoring skills and
is allocated to a teacher. They should be committed to adopting the ATS philosophy and to applying it to their own teaching.
They will be required to mentor the teacher and verify that the teacher has
satisfactorily completed the items in the Teacher Training Logbook.
A capable ringer who has had no or some teaching experience and joins the ATS to learn how to teach and develop their teaching skills.
A leader of local ATS Day Courses and someone experienced in using the Scheme. Tutors are selected from ART Members, trained to deliver courses and are appointed by the Management Committee after training.
Age Requirements.
Candidates must be at least 14 years old to enroll on a day course.
Candidates who are 14 years and older will be admitted to ATS Modules only on the understanding that their teaching will be supervised at all times by an over-18-year-old ATS teacher or mentor. This is necessary in order to ensure the proper safety of the ringer. Under-16 candidates may achieve accreditation before their 16th birthday, but will not be admitted as a Member of ART until they are 16.
Time Limit
Candidates have two years from the date of the day course to be submitted for accreditation.
If a candidate wishes, for reasons of extenuating circumstances, to ask for a time extension, they must do so within 14 days from expiry. A decision on the request for an extension will be made by Officers of the Association and will be reported to the Management Committee.
The candidate for teacher accreditation must attend the Module 1 (Teaching Bell Handling) Day Course and teach at least one new ringer from their first lesson to the point where they can handle a bell safely and competently on their own. The mentor will confirm, by signing the items in the Teacher Training Logbook, that the teacher has satisfactorily completed that item with the new ringer. Alternatively the candidate may complete the required items during group teaching sessions.
Candidates should exhibit satisfactory bell handling skills themselves. Achievement of the criteria in the LtR Level 2 Handling Assessment is recommended.
Teachers must demonstrate an ability to use the concepts presented in the day course and then complete the sections in the Teacher Training Logbook. An ART Assessor must then observe the teacher.
Module content
Assessment Requirements
1. Adequate understanding of safety considerations.
2. The ability to plan a teaching session.
3. The ability to review a teaching session.
4. The ability to use the review to plan the next session.
5. A relaxed and comfortable manner with the new ringer.
6. The ability to give clear explanations and demonstrations.
7. The ability to be flexible and use appropriate exercises for the new ringer (e.g. age and learning style).
8 .Adequate observation skills
9. The ability to give appropriate timely feedback in a positive manner.
The checklist in "Guidance notes for ART Assessors (Module 1)" will be used for the assessment.
The relevant online multiple choice theory test must be completed
satisfactorily before the teacher can be submitted for accreditation and
membership of ART.
Candidates may complete Module 2 prior to, or without completing Module 1. However, it is recommended that they attend Module 1 first and Module 2 candidates should note that they may be required to demonstrate knowledge of the following areas of teaching theory from Module 1:
Common Assessment Requirements for Modules 2F & 2C
An initial plan and four lesson plans must be prepared and delivered with support from the mentor. An Assessed Lesson Plan must also be prepared and an ART Assessor must then observe the teacher and confirm that the teacher demonstrates:
The checklist in “Guidance Notes for ART Assessors” (Module 2F or Module 2C) will be used for the assessment.
The relevant online multiple choice theory test must be completed satisfactorily before the teacher can be submitted by the Assessor for accreditation and membership of ART.
The candidate for teacher accreditation must attend the Module 2F Day Course and design and deliver a programme of learning to take a novice ringer from being able to handle a bell competently on their own to being able to ring call changes, Kaleidoscope sequences, Plain Hunt and covering. The mentor will review the teacher’s lesson plans and confirm their satisfactory completion in the Teacher Training Logbook. Alternatively the candidate may complete the required items during group teaching sessions.
Module Content
The candidate for teacher accreditation must attend the Module 2C Day Course and design and deliver a programme of learning for teaching elementary change ringing. The mentor will review the teacher’s lesson plans and confirm their satisfactory completion in the Teacher Training Logbook. Alternatively the candidate may complete the required items during group teaching sessions.
Additional Entry Requirement
Candidates must submit evidence from BellBoard that they have rung a quarter peal of Plain Bob Minor inside or a more advanced method.
Module Content
They must then plan and run a series of practices or teaching sessions using the documents in the Teacher Training Logbook.
Candidates who have already attended a Module 2F Day Course may work towards Module 2C accreditation by attending a M2C Top-Up Half-Day Course as an alternative to the full day option. If M2F accreditation has not yet been reached full M2C procedures will need to be completed post half-day course to work towards M2C accreditation. If M2F accreditation has been reached further Teacher Training Logbook completion will not need to be undertaken but candidates should provide to the Assessor evidence of planning and reviewing of ringing sessions at a method level to support questioning.
In assisting the teacher, the mentor is required to:
In assisting the teacher, the mentor is required to:
To become an accredited mentor, the mentor must:
If the teacher fails to complete a course, the mentor may themselves accredit as a teacher by completing the requirements for a teacher by teaching, completing the Teacher Training Logbook and having an assessed lesson.
The following classes of member will be admitted to ART:
All members are required to complete the Membership Declaration and to submit appropriate safeguarding documents.
Tutors will be selected from Members and be appointed after satisfactory completion of training on the decision of the Management Committee. They will tutor on only the Modules previously attended.
The proposed Tutor:
All Tutors:
Full Membership of the Association shall be open to those teachers who have satisfactorily completed the assessment targets for the ATS Module 1 (Teaching Bell Handling) and either Module 2F (Foundation Skills) or Module 2C (Teaching Elementary Change Ringing).
Full Membership shall be open to those mentors who have taken teachers through the ATS. Those teachers will have satisfactorily completed the assessment targets for Module 1 and Module 2 or the mentor may themselves accredit as a teacher by completing the requirements for a teacher.
Associate Membership shall be open to those teachers who have successfully completed the assessment targets for any one of the modules.
Associate Membership shall be open to those mentors who have taken their teachers through the ATS satisfactorily completing the assessment targets for any one of the Modules or the mentor may themselves accredit as a teacher by completing the requirements for a teacher.
Affiliated Members shall consist of those who possess skills or knowledge deemed to be beneficial to the objective of the Association. These shall be appointed by the Management Committee for a specified period and may be eligible for re-appointment.
Changes to these regulations will only be made by the Association’s Management Committee. Three months’ notice will be given prior to changes coming into force. Changed regulations will apply to all candidates for accreditation from the date of the implementation of the changes irrespective of the date on which candidates enrolled on the programme.
» Download Module 1 Accreditation Pathway Flow Chart
» Download Module 2F and 2C Accreditation Pathway Flow Chart
Details of the latest update which concerns the appointment of ART Tutors are detailed here.
Last Modified: May 2023
Last Reviewed: May 2020
If you have any questions about the ART Constitution you are invited to contact the Association at: