This Policy will assist the Association and its members and volunteers to comply with all necessary legal practices and codes of conduct around safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
The policy and codes of conduct refer to the training and accreditation of volunteers, organising and training of mixed age groups in the art of bell handling and change ringing, recruitment, demonstrations, events and running youth groups – all occasions arranged by ART or where ART Members are involved.
The role of teachers and some officers of ART will bring them into direct contact with or have access to personal information about children and vulnerable adults. ART acknowledges its duty of care under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006, and The Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act 2007, to ensure the protection of young people and vulnerable adults from physical, sexual or emotional abuse.
Person under the age of 18
Vulnerable Adult
Person over the age of 18 who has a temporary or permanent sensory or physical disability, a learning disability, an addiction to alcohol or drugs, or some other physical, mental or emotional frailty.
Safeguarding Policy
The Association shall:
- Encourage a safe, caring philosophy and make available training for Members to help develop a culture of “informed vigilance” as to the dangers of abuse.
- Comply fully with the Vetting & Barring Scheme Codes of Practice and with all relevant legislation regarding the protection of young people and vulnerable adults, and the handling of Disclosure information (including Scottish, N.I. and other equivalents.)
- Respond immediately and where necessary refer to statutory agencies in the event of any incident of suspected or actual abuse of young people or vulnerable adults.
- Establish and maintain policies/codes of practice/guidelines for its Members.
- Communicate this policy and code of practice to all Members of the Association.
- Periodically review this policy to ensure that it reflects any changes in best practice, legal requirements or Association procedures.
Membership and Safeguarding Training Policy
ART will operate appropriate procedures for membership and training.
- The Association shall provide all Members with a code of conduct to which they are expected to adhere.
- The Association shall require all Members who come into contact with children or vulnerable adults, or those handling Disclosure information or coordinating training events, to be vetted for their suitability to carry out these roles. This will include be application for an enhanced DBS Disclosure or equivalent.
- Membership shall be for those aged 16 years or older and only be granted on receipt of satisfactory DBS Disclosures where there is any regular contact with children or vulnerable adults.
- If disclosures reveal any issues, the Association undertakes to discuss any matter revealed in a Disclosure with the applicant before withdrawing a conditional offer of membership.
- Members are expected to have completed safeguarding training to the level required by the CofE.
- The Association shall make available support, training and information to members and trainees to enable them to understand safeguarding, including basic legal requirements and how to handle and report any incident of actual or suspected abuse.
Supporting Procedures and Guidelines