Plain Bob Minor Toolbox

What is Plain Bob Minor?

Plain Bob Minor is a widely rung method on six bells and a common progression from ringing Plain Bob Doubles. The treble plain hunts up to sixth place and back and there are five working bells which complete a cycle of five pieces of work. Each of these pieces of work happens at the treble lead, when seconds place is made over the treble. In between each of these pieces of work, each bell plain hunts.

As the tenor rings the method rather than covering, there is no longer a constant visual and auditory cue to help accurate leading.

» Plain Bob Minor explained

Calling Plain Bob Minor

Calling Plain Bob introduces concepts such as wrong and home which are used in other minor methods and their extensions on higher numbers.

» Calling Plain Bob Minor

Learning Aids

» Plain Bob Minor crossword

» Plain Bob Minor dominoes

» Plain Bob Minor quiz

Plain Bob Minor workshop

How to set up a Plain Bob Minor workshop including theory sessions.

» Workshop presentation

» Workshop notes

Stepping stone methods

» Plain Hunt Minor

» Original Minor

» Bastow Little Bob Minor


If the theory of course and after bells wasn't discussed at the plain hunt stage, now would be a good time to teach it.

» Course and after bells

» Course and after bells – a game

» Understanding coursing orders

Practice night touches

For those who don’t do much conducting, being asked to call and keep other ringers straight may seem quite daunting. Here are a some simple, short touches you can call with your ringers to help them learn what to do at the call bit by bit.

» Touches to practise bobs and singles

Beyond Plain Bob Minor

» Little Bob Minor